
We strongly encourage all investigators to seek funding for their research projects. The FIRST Program will provide assistance in identifying the most appropriate funding mechanism for your project, preparing application materials, preparing and reviewing your budget, and providing a comprehensive review of your draft grant application. Please consider taking advantage of our novel pre-submission grant review program.

Funding agencies to consider for your research program include, but are not limited to, the following:

Consider registering at and to receive new funding opportunity notices on topics of interest to you.

Harvard Catalyst offers Elements of Grant Writing resources and tools for researchers who are applying for grant funding from federal, foundation, and corporate sources.

Edge for Scholars is a repository of resources and tools for researchers about how to do great research, stay productive, network effectively, mentor well and be mentored, negotiate for resources, get grants, refine writing and editing, cultivate leadership skills, and achieve your goals.

The FIRST Program has put together the following sample NIH applications and forms. Please note these documents are password protected. Reach out to Aaron Fleishman, MPH to obtain the login information.